Therapy for anxiety
Anxiety can distort our perceptions, magnifying our mistakes or perceived imperfections. It can make us feel inadequate, heighten self-blame, or convince ourselves we’re falling short.
It can undoubtedly affect your quality of life (sometimes in unexpected ways), which is why it’s often worth exploring with a professional.
Cognitive and somatic symptoms of anxiety can include:
Anxiety is a mobilizing fear response to help us avoid dangers. But, it can become a crushing issue when it’s chronic or impacts daily life.
While the causes for each individual are complicated, they can stem from:
The reality is we usually can’t control the first thought that pops into our brain. But we can control the thoughts that come after. With the proper tools, you can learn to manage your anxiety and overcome its maladaptive impact.
We’ve dedicated our practice to anxiety because it is such a pervasive concern for our clients (plus, we’ve all experienced it ourselves!). Our clinicians have undergone a variety of advanced training and education with a focus on anxiety. We encourage you to check out our About page to learn more about our team members and
their specialties.
We’ve dedicated our practice to anxiety because it is such a pervasive
concern for our clients (plus, we’ve all experienced it ourselves!). Our
clinicians have undergone a variety of advanced training and education
with a focus on anxiety. We encourage you to check out our About page
to learn more about our team members and their specialties.
Our anxiety specialists take a holistic approach when getting to the root of your anxious symptoms. We consider your full context because our mental health is closely linked to our physical well-being and our environment.
Your psychotherapist may use a range of modalities, depending on your needs and experiences. Each treatment plan is tailored to you, with your goals and preferences at the forefront.
Arm yourself with grounding techniques
and take back control from anxiety.